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SILKI (Silvia Viviana Chillemi)



I was born in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I attended Drawing and Painting workshops directed by Jorge Mansueto, Gustavo Rubinstein and Patricia Fairon.

I participated in national and international art fairs and exhibitions.

Subsequently, I studied Comics for several years with Claudio Kappel, Javier Rovella and Fernando Centurión; as well as Children's Illustration  with José Sanabria and Mónica Weiss. ​

I carried out teaching activity at the Claudio Kappel School  in comics workshops for children.

With  the "Pure Humor Editions" group, we published several comic books: "Yo... Arjejentino","Humor al retail",  "The usual circus" and "Hagan Espacio ".

I also published in the supplement "Catrasca" and in "".

I made fanzines participating for several years in the comic strip fair "Dibujados" and "Comicópolis", among others.​ ​

I was selected to participate in the exhibition: "Humour in feminine: a different vision", held in Alcala de Henares, Spain. (2015)

​Currently I participate in exhibitions of Comics and Illustration.

 I live in  the Netherlands.  ​


2022-2019: Illustration and Picture Book Workshop by Mónica Weiss

2019: Fernando Centurión Strip Workshop

2019: Creative writing workshop for illustrators, by Eduardo Giménez

2018-2015: Illustration and Picture Book Workshop by José Sanabria

2018: Picture Book Project Workshop, dictated by Roger Mello

2018: Pop up Seminar, dictated by Valeria Bank

2018: Avant-garde Illustration Workshop, by José Sanabria.

2017-2012: Comic workshop by Claudio Kappel

2016: Comic Script Seminar, dictated by Eduardo Maicas.

2016: Strip Script Seminar, dictated by Lea Caballero.

2014-2012: Javier Rovella Comic Strip workshop

2014: Banda dibujada Comic Workshop, dictated by  Clemente Montag

2012:  Strip Workshop by Ezequiel García



2022: Collective illustration exhibition “¡Fieyo! Echoes of Martín Fierro in our days” 46th Buenos Aires International Book Fair

2021: Collective exhibition of Comic Strip: "San Jerónimo Dei", Córdoba, Argentina

2018-2012: Collective exhibitions of Comic Strip in Alianza Francesa,  CABA. (Claudio Kappel Drawing School)

2015: Collective exhibition: Humor in women: a different vision. Quevedo Institute of Humor, Alcalá de Henares, Spain

Collective exhibition of illustration: Being a Illustrator. ADA. Library of Congress, Argentina.


Books, fanzines and publications

2019: Participation with a story in the anthology: "Pollen, feathers, wind and other special effects". Co-author

2017: “Make space”. Comic strip book. Pure Humor Editions. Co-author

2016: "The circus of always". Comic strip book. Pure Humor Editions. Co-author. It received a Special Mention by the Banda Dibujada Awards Commission for children's and youth comics, in 2017.

2015: “Retail Humor”. Comic strip book. Puro Humor Editions. Co-author

 2015: Fanzine “Jokes by the dozen 2"

 2014: “I…Arjejentino”. Comic strip book. Pure Humor Editions. Co-author

 2014: Fanzine “Pipa y Pina”

 2014: Fanzine “Jokes by the dozen 1"

2014: Several publications in the humor supplement "Catrasca" and in "Dibu News la actualidad dibujada", a Spanish newspaper of news in drawings.

2013: Fanzine “Voces del Parque: The Misadventures of IGA”


Comics and illustration events and fairs

2016 to 2013: Dibujados

2013: Comicopolis 2013

2013: Incredible Festival of Comics, Fanzines and others

ADA Fairs


Teaching activity

2019-2018: Teaching activity in Comic Strip workshops at the Claudio Kappel Drawing School.

Talk for ADA about Comic Strip.


Other activities

Creator of the digital magazine: Parts of (2009-2005)

Author of “Cronology”, published in the exhibit catalog for: La mirada desde la sombra. Eugenio Daneri, which opened June 28th 2008 in Museo Quinquela Martín, La Boca, Buenos Aires.


Diplomas and certificates

-Claudio Kappel School of Drawing. Course: Comics Drawing. Full course (6 years). Teacher: Claudio Kappel.(2017)

-Claudio Kappel School of Drawing. Course:  Comic Strip. Full course (3 years). Teacher: Javier Rovella. (2014)

-Plastic Arts Critic (graduated 2004) and Cultural Operator (graduated 2003). Higher Institute Dante Alighieri, Buenos Aires.

-Physician (graduated 1982), UBA.



Adres:  Rijswijk ZH, Nederland.

Mobiele telefoon: 0685872602


Geboortedatum: 28/11/1956

Geboorteplaats: Puerto Belgrano, Argentinië

Nationaliteit: Argentijnse en Italiaans



-2024Taalstage bij Don Bosco Rijswijk: creative activiteiten met kinderen. Van 26-3-2024 tot 9-10-2024.

-2019-2018: Tekenen lerares: Striptekenlessen voor kinderen. Claudio Kappel Tekenschool, Buenos Aires, Argentinië.

-2013-2019: Striptekenaar: Creatie, redactie en verkoop van artecomische boeken en fanzines in stripfestivals en stripbeurs. Buenos Aires, Argentinië.

-2004-2009: Creatie van de digitale publicatie voor de verspreiding van de Argentijnse kunst en cultuur: www.PArtes de la

-2000-2012: Kunstenaar:Tentoonstellingen van schilderijen en tekeningen in galerijen en kunstbeurzen.  Argentinië, Uruguay, Vereinigde Staten (NY) en Spanje.

-1997-2002: Catechismuslessen in Casa del Ave María (kinderen) en familiecatechismus (volwassenen) in de Parroquia del Señor del Milagro. Buenos Aires, Argentinië.

-1995-1997: Vrijwilligerswerk voor Cáritas Buenos Aires. -1982-1995: Voedingsdeskundige Arts, Durand Ziekenhuis en praktijk. Buenos Aires, Argentinië



-2017-2011: Cursus: Striptekenen. Volledige cursus (6 jaar). Claudio Kappel Tekenschool,                    Buenos Aires, Argentinië.

-2014-2011: Cursus: Comics. Volledige cursus (3 jaar). Claudio Kappel Tekenschool, Buenos Aires, Argentinië.
-2004-2002: Criticus van de Beeldende Kunst en Cultureel Operator. (3 jaar) Instituto Superior Dante Alighieri, Buenos Aires, Argentinië.
-1997-1995: Catechist voor kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen. (religie katholiek)

-1997: Catechist voor risicokinderen. Junta Catequística Arquidiocesana, Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

-1992-1990. Voedingsspecialist. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentinië.
-1975-1982: Arts, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentinië.


2022-2019: Workshop illustratie en prentenboeken (kinderboeken) door Mónica Weiss. Bs.As.

2019: Workshop creatief schrijven voor illustratoren, door E. Giménez. Bs. As. Argentinië.

2018-2015: Workshop illustratie en prentenboeken door José Sanabria. Bs. As. Argentinië.

2018: Prentenboekprojectworkshop,  door Roger Mello. Bs. As. Argentinië.

2010-2000: Teken en schilderworkshops, in het Sivori Museum en de Fine Arts Stimulus Association en anderen. Buenos Aires, Argentinië.


Talen en Digitale Vaardigheden

Spaans (moedertaal), Italiaans (vloeiend), Engels(basisniveau) en Frans  (basisniveau).

Nederlands (A2), Taalstage bij Don Bosco Rijswijk, van 26-3-2024 tot 9-10-2024.

Cursus Nederlands A2-B1 in R.O.C. Mondriaan, van 23-5-2024 tot nu.

Word, Photoshop, PowerPoint



Kinderboeken schrijven en illustreren, breien, tuinieren, puzzelen en wandelen.


SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.  SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.

SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.  SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations. 

SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.  SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations

.SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.  SILKI: Comics e illustrations.  SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.

SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.  SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.

SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.   SILKI: Comics e illustrations.   SILKI: Comics e ilustraciones.  SILKI: Comics e illustrations

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